[Guide] Mafia Boss

Armed with the fast double-handguns and a hidden dagger, the Mafia Boss emerged from the darkest side of the old-town streets and entered through the Time-Gate to face the new world of enemies. The quick reloads of his guns and the ability to fire from both weapons at once have earned him the title of a boss. Do not mess with the Mafia Boss when you face one amongst different Heroes of time and space!

Advantage and Disadvantage


High Damage Bullet
High Jump
Super Fast Reload
High Combo
Reload 1 Bullet when Rolling
Automatically Precise Shoot


No Dashing just Rolling
Auto Shoot No Aiming


Weapon Skills: Reload.

Fast Reload Ammo. Very Short Cool Down. When in Ground. Press SD and Movement to Rolling. No Invincible Buff


Throwing Grenade to Ground and Explode immediately causing enemy hit by it's blast thrown to air. When in air use Detonate and cause Mafia Throwing Grenade to Ground .

High Kick

Kick enemy to Air.


Stab enemy quickly and causing enemy faint.

Combo Skill

[Under Construction]

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